Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1. Project of your novel. I still don't know the project of my novel because I'm not done reading it yet. I got an idea but perhaps it's wrong because it can possible change everything at the end of the story. The project of the novel Animal Farm is to make people understand that there are rules everywhere that must be followed in order to live peacefully.

3. How does that conflict contribute to the project of your novel? Since Napoleon is the leader, everyone has to do what he says, even if they don't want to, or is hard to acomplish in order to benefit everyone.

4. What other elements contribute to the project? I believe just allegory, because most of the novel is about following rules and work hard, which is politics.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

2. Describe the main conflict in your novel.
The main conflict of my novel is that the animals are getting killed when they get involved with Snowball and when the humans tried to take over the farm. Also when the windmill got destroyed twice, the animals had worked years to build it. Due to all these Napoleon changed some rules that would benefit him more.