Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Assignment

I chose "The Love is a Lonely Hunter", because it was the most interesting name I saw in the list, and because I like everything about drama and things like that. I hope it is a good book because I will read it even though I don't like to read, but I'll read it this time.


alan said...
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Rudy said...

Your a Drama Queen!

Danielle Bravo said...

hey hope you like your book! goodluck today and the rest of the tournament! Oh and go whoop some butt at the homerun derby!!!woo hoo

Ay LUPITA LUPE LUPE LUPE LUPE #24 YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Hey ke ondas? Ur Book sounds interesting. hope u like it. Y Read it too!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget. Jajajajaja